Series 7 - Mr. Custa and the Space Amulet

Who or what is stealing random objects from the Space museum? What is the land that lies between? What does the inside of a Fluffy Teddy Monster look like? What does true madness sound like? And what has happened to Brok...?

7.1 Space Museum

7.2 Universal Jump

7.3 Ogre and Out

7.4 A Nervous Disposition

7.5 Boom Boom Boom!

7.6 A Crack In Time

7.7 As Things Were...

Radio Credits

Mr. Custa - Mathew Cobb
Sia - Sara Beamish
Brok / Forsyth - Aaron Nicholas-Wood
Fly / Guardian / Granny - Philip Whitmore
Man in the Street - Oli Williams
Mr. Main / Policeman - Lee Bannister
Announcer - Lee Bannister
Music - AKM copyright free music
Mr. Custa Theme - Michael Skywood Clifford
Writer - Aaron Nicholas-Wood
Creator and Producer - Philip Whitmore
Director - Philip Whitmore
101.8 WCR FM 2009